News Letter

Title [Green Letter Vol.73] 2021-10-26

Green Letter Vol.73  (2021. Oct)
With the worldwide sense of crisis growing due to the recent rapid climate change, Korea Green Foundation(KGF) and influential figures committed to clearly state the responsibilities of overcoming the climate crisis and establishing a sustainable environment on the Constitution of the Republic of Korea. We have published a statement demanding the revision of Article 1, Paragraph 3 on the Constitution, containing “The Republic of Korea has an obligation to overcome the climate and biodiversity crisis and to pass on the sustainable environment to the descendants.
Above this, the Korea Green Foundation is executing various activities, such as ‘Asia Environmental Forum’, ‘Mangrove plantation project’, to proclaim the climate crisis and to solve the problem. Check out the news below now!
A statement demanding the revision of 
Article 1 on the Constitution of the Republic of Korea

Last July 6th, Yeol Choi, the chief director of the Korea Green Foundation, and 28 others from politics, academics, and artistic backgrounds have presented a proposal to add an environmental constitution to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the constitution of the Republic of Korea. The group will be perform various activities for the revision of Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the constitution, such as public hearing, debates for presidential candidates.  
KGF will host the 8th Asia Environmental Forum: Global Net Zero
The 8th Asia Environmental Forum will be held on Wednesday, October 27th. This year Gyeonggido-Province government and KGF are co-hosting the event under the name 'The 1st Global Net Zero Forum’. With the Green New Deal goal of low-carbon energy conversion, we will invite Kimiko Hirata, Chibeze Ezekiel(the Goldman Prize winners)

The News of Mangrove Plantation Project in Bangladesh
KGF and BEDS have been working on the restoration of the mangrove forests in the Sundarbans area since 2015. From September 2021 to February 2022, we are expanding our project to establishing nursery and managing the growth of seedlings as well as plantation, to contribute to strengthening climate change responding capability in vulnerable countries.
 2021 Global Environmental News 

Recently, heatwaves and a forest fire that stroke the west side of the United States and southern Europe, and the record-breaking heavy rain in China and Germany, etc., created many damages to human lives. With abnormal climates happening globally due to climate crises, IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has presented a new report with the topic' climate crises. IPCC has once again emphasized that the strong reduction of greenhouse gases is the only way to suppress global warming. This year, we feel that the disasters caused by climate crises are no longer the events we see in movies, or we might experience in the distant future but are the story of our lives. It is time for the global community to take actions more actively to stop the climate crisis before it is too late.
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