News Letter

Title [Green Letter Vol.74] 2022-02-04

Green Letter Vol.74  (2021. Dec.)

“The time of the Korea Green Foundation in 2021 has not stopped.”
The pandemic has stopped the familiar daily life, but KGF has not stopped! For this year again, we have been moving with the government, businesses, and civil society to solve climate and environmental crises of world. Just as dots form a single line, we will continue to be a small pendulum that breathes life into stopped time.

KGF is supporting NGOs activities in the Asia-Pacific region through Asia NGOs Grants to help solve overseas marine environmental problems. In this Green Letter, we will tell you about their activities. In addition to this, we have the news for the works submitted to the 19th Seoul Eco Film Festival, the review of the last Asia Environment Forum, and a summary of the UN Climate Change Conference. Please enjoy reading it.
Asia-Pacific Marine Ecosystem Protection Project
MCC (Cambodia)
MRF (Malaysia)
KGF has been supporting NGOs activities in Asia by expanding support for domestic NGOs this year. Find out about the activities of organizations that have worked hard to protect the marine environment in Asia as well as domestic marine conservation activities which include monitoring endangered species of marine animals, removing harmful species, and installing structures to prevent illegal fishing!
The 8th Asia Environmental Forum - 2021 Global Net Zero Forum
The Asia Environmental Forum was held with the Gyeonggi Provincial Government under the name of '2021 Global Net Zero Forum'. It confirmed the importance of cooperation between the government, corporation, and NGO in order to transform into a carbon-neutral society with the participation of 20 speakers from 6 countries. 
Call for Entries of the 19th Seoul Eco Film Festival (~6/2/2022)
The Seoul Eco Film Festival is now open for entries for its 19th edition in 2022. Films can be submitted from December 20, 2021 to February 6, 2022, and excellent environmental films are expected.

2021 Global Environmental News 

Last November, the 26th UN Climate change Conference of Parties (COP) was held in Glasgow, UK. COP is a meeting where countries that joined the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have been meeting every year since 1995 to discuss preventive measures to prevent climate change, announce the plan, and check whether they are following each other well. This paper summarizes the results of this Glasgow COP, held for the first time in two years due to COVID-19.
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Korea Green Foundation (KGF)
7F, Baeknam Bldg., 16 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04533, Korea +82-2-2011-4300
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