To restore the mangrove forest area damaged by oil spills and global warming, the Korea Green Foundation has started an arbor project in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh since 2015. Mangrove Arbor Project is part of the Eco Village project designed to help communities in Asian regions vulnerable to climate change so that they could achieve sustainable development with the proper use of technology. Until now, 80,000 mangroves have been planted, bringing the importance of mangroves preservation to public attention through street campaigns, signature campaigns, and online fundraising.Starting from 2020, we will launch the Mangrove 100,000 Arbor Project <Plant it for the Planet> campaign. Please support this initiative!
Every year, the Korea Green Foundation announces the crisis of continuance of the human race due to environmental pollution by continents and countries with the time expressed on the hands of the Environmental Doomsday Clock. We are cooperating with artists, companies, and citizens to help more people recognize environmental problems as an urgent issue which is directly related to our lives.
Korea Green Foundation has been conducting researches for
‘Environmental Doomsday Clock’ and announced the
results since 2005 with Asahi Glass Foundation of Japan.
. Environmental Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clock face,
representing a countdown to a crisis of environmental
destruction. The hour from 0~3 means ‘barely concerned’,
3~6 means ‘slightly concerned’, 6~9 means ‘fairly concerned’,
and 9~12 means ‘extremely concerned’.
Environmental Doomsday Clock is measured based on the
surveys conducted by the governments, research centers
and civic groups around the world. The world average time
on the Environmental Doomsday Clock is now 9:42, while the
hand of the Korean
Environmental Doomsday Clock points 9:38.
Amid growing public anxiety over hazardous airborne particles, the
Korea Green Foundation has established PM Pollution Center in
February 2018 to covey accurate information on fine dust and to
create a platform for Asian countries to jointly respond to air pollution
problems. Since its establishment, PM Pollution Center took the lead
in improving related policies by holding several policy debates on fine
dust, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Seoul
metropolitan government, and Gyeonggi Provincial Government.
Besides, the center carried out various projects in response to fine dust
such as 1) Public awareness Campaign 2) 2019 Clean Air
International Forum 3) Reforestation to prevent fine dust 4)
Installation of fine dust traffic lights 5) Distribution of air purifiers at
local children's centers nationwide 6) Provision of eco-friendly boilers
and so on.
Please support the PM Pollution Center on the clear sky we make!